Tiger Bay (1934)
Género : Crimen, Drama
Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 10M
Director : J. Elder Wills
Michael is a young Englishman abroad who deliberately visits a tough Chinese district of Tiger Bay to test his strength. He falls in love and battles a protection racket.
Marx Dixon (Dana Andrews) es un conflictivo policía marcado por el fuerte carácter de su padre. En el transcurso de una investigación, hiere de muerte a un sospechoso y oculta el crimen. Un taxista (Tom Tully) es acusado como presunto autor del asesinato. Y, mientras tanto, Mark se enamora de su bella hija (Gene Tierney).
Una anciana (May Robson) mantiene correspondencia con su hija, que vive en España, y le hace creer que es una gran dama de la alta sociedad que vive en un lujoso hotel. En realidad, es una alcohólica que vive de la venta ambulante de manzanas. Cuando su hija le anuncia que irá a verla para presentarle a su novio y a su suegro, miembros de una aristocrática familia, la desesperación se apodera de ella.
Former bootlegger Dutch Barnes pressures neighborhood druggist Jimmy Morrell into making cut-rate knockoff toiletry, cosmetic, and pharmaceutical products.
Con la pandilla de Al Kruger a la cabeza, los gángsters de Nueva York prosperan gracias a una administración débil que ha enviado al duro policía Johnny Blake (Edward G. Robinson) a un barrio de las afueras. Los cerebros de la banda son un triunvirato de banqueros cuyas influencias políticas, financieras y sociales permiten la existencia de los gángsters. Cuando Bryan, un editor que hace campaña contra ellos, aparece asesinado, un gran jurado designa al capitán Dan McLaren para que acabe con los malhechores. McLaren expulsa, aparentemente, a Blake del cuerpo de policía y éste, enfadado, se une a la banda como mano derecha de Kruger. Nick Fenner (Humphrey Bogart), el ayudante y asesino de Bryan, sospecha de Blake y desconfía de la presencia del ex policía en la banda.
Rose Manning swears revenge for the unjust slaying of her father by Inspector McArthur. Five years later, as a nightclub hostess, she is sought by Chuck Gaines, secretly a bootlegger, but she centers her attentions on young Jimmy Carter, who, she learns, is the son of McArthur.
Una banda de jóvenes asalta a los comerciantes de la ciudad para exigirles, después, dinero a cambio de "protección". Nicola, un policía que se ha propuesto acabar con la red, pierde la primera batalla y va a parar al hospital, pero desde allí sigue la lucha contra los delincuentes.
A private detective, soon to enlist in the army, is drawn into one final case when his police officer father is killed in the line of duty. Soon his prime suspect is murdered as well, and he finds himself framed for the crime. As more witnesses get murdered, he finds himself on the run from both the police and former Prohibition violators who seem to have found a new racket.
Hattie Leonard sets out to break a criminal gang controlling the dry cleaning business.
Un botones estafador y su novia camarera están establecidos en un hotel.
A Patsy Gargan, un antiguo criminal, sus corruptos compinches políticos le pagan sus servicios nombrándolo inspector de un reformatorio. Al principio no muestra ningún interés por la escuela, pero la simpatía que siente por los niños que son víctimas de abusos y maltrato por parte del despiadado director y sus matones, lo empuja a aceptar el trabajo.
A gangster and his wife attempt to go straight. Comedy. Remake of the 1938 film "A Slight Case of Murder".
Jimmy Corrigan (James Cagney), un tipo sin escrúpulos, tiene una agencia que se dedica a buscar en la prensa diaria gente que ha muerto dejando una herencia que nadie reclama. Su plan consiste en “fabricar” a los herederos adecuados para quedarse él con la herencia. Pero sus perfectos planes acaban torciéndose.
Madcap society girl June Bolton has a talent for trouble. Trying to evade a subpoena in connection with one of her misadventures, she winds up in jail and has to be bailed out by the family attorney, Dick Clayton. But June is soon in trouble again, this time involved with a mob boss and a shady lady. Exasperated by his wealthy client's reckless escapades, Clayton determines to quit... until he realizes he has fallen in love with the little madcap.
Two bit hood Eddie Condon (Kane Richmond) sells babies under the counter. A highly lucrative racket he soon finds out. But when will the police get wise to this highly immoral scheme of his? And will they be able to pin a rap on him before he goes a little too far? ALL IS TOLD in this EXCITING tale of CRIME and CORRUPTION!
Prizefighter Bob Neal (Ray Walker) is in debt to gangster Vic Santell (Hooper Atchley) for training expenses. Santell orders Bob to take a dive in the fourth round so Santell can recoup prior gambling losses. Taunted by his ring opponent, Bob wins the fight. Realizing that his profession and underworld characters connected to it are causing him problems, Bob decides to join the police force. After taking nurse Mary Prentiss (Geneva Mitchell) to a drive-in restaurant where the total bill is a depression-era cheap eighty-two cents, Bob and his fellow officers round-up a gang of fur thieves in a warehouse shoot-out.
Antes de iniciarse en el cine, George Raft se vio envuelto en un caso de tiroteo entre bandas rivales sucedido en el club donde trabajaba de bailarín.
A lawyer changes from defending public enemies to bringing them to justice after his brother is killed.
Bobby Martin, a young middleweight champion boxer, is an honest and decent fighter. However, a dishonest but beautiful woman uses every trick to ensnare him.
After several years of supporting parts, Victor McLaglen once more landed a leading role in Republic's City of Shadows. McLaglen plays Big Tim Channing, an ageing but powerful gangster who raises young newsboy Dan Mason as his own son. Upon reaching adulthood, Mason (John Baer) becomes a law student, with the covert (and illegal) help of Channing. Despite his checkered past, Mason opts for honesty when he falls in love with Fern Fellows (Kathleen Crowley). This decision ultimately spells the doom for Mason's mentor Big Tim.
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