
Kidulthood (2006)

Before adulthood comes...

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 29M

Director : Menhaj Huda


A day in the life of a group of troubled 15-year-olds growing up in west London.


Aml Ameen
Aml Ameen
Red Madrell
Red Madrell
Noel Clarke
Noel Clarke
Adam Deacon
Adam Deacon
Jaime Winstone
Jaime Winstone
Nicholas Hoult
Nicholas Hoult
Cornell John
Cornell John
Uncle Curtis
Rafe Spall
Rafe Spall
Christopher Villiers
Christopher Villiers
Mr. Fineal
David Schaal
David Schaal
Taxi Driver
Madeleine Fairley
Madeleine Fairley


Menhaj Huda
Menhaj Huda
Noel Clarke
Noel Clarke
Clark N. Anthony
Clark N. Anthony
Associate Producer
James Armitage
James Armitage
Associate Producer
Brian Tufano
Brian Tufano
Director of Photography
Victoria Boydell
Victoria Boydell
Amanda Tabak
Amanda Tabak
The Angel
The Angel
Ian Neil
Ian Neil
Music Supervisor
James Hyman
James Hyman
Music Supervisor
Selina Macarthur
Selina Macarthur
Assistant Editor
Ben Meechan
Ben Meechan
Sound Effects Editor

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