
Further (2012)

The journey is the reward

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 19M

Director : Jon Klaczkiewicz, Jeremy Jones


Further explores some of the world’s most remote mountain terrain while continuing Jones’ mission to camp deep in the backcountry and on the summits of unridden lines to access nearly vertical spines and wide-open powder fields.


Jeremy Jones
Jeremy Jones
Terje Haakonsen
Terje Haakonsen
Josh Dirksen
Josh Dirksen
Forrest Shearer
Forrest Shearer
Mitch Toelderer
Mitch Toelderer
Bibi Pekarek
Bibi Pekarek
Lucas Debari
Lucas Debari
Ryland Bell
Ryland Bell


Steve Jones
Steve Jones
Executive Producer
Todd Jones
Todd Jones
Executive Producer
Jon Klaczkiewicz
Jon Klaczkiewicz
Executive Producer
Jon Klaczkiewicz
Jon Klaczkiewicz
Jon Klaczkiewicz
Jon Klaczkiewicz
Jeremy Jones
Jeremy Jones
Jeremy Jones
Jeremy Jones
Rose Corr
Rose Corr
Supervising Producer
Dustin Handley
Dustin Handley
Music Supervisor
Justin Fann
Justin Fann
Associate Producer
Jeff Curley
Jeff Curley
Still Photographer
Jill Garreffi
Jill Garreffi
Post-Production Manager
Greg Epstein
Greg Epstein
Supervising Producer
Blake Campbell
Blake Campbell
Lead Editor
Rose Corr
Rose Corr
Nick Kalisz
Nick Kalisz
Justin Fann
Justin Fann
Danny Holland
Danny Holland
Online Editor
Danny Holland
Danny Holland
Post Production Supervisor

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