
Slacker (1991)

Género : Comedia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 37M

Director : Richard Linklater


Richard Linklater y su cámara se pasean durante un día por la ciudad de Austin, en Texas, y aparece ante nuestros ojos toda una galería de personajes, aparentemente sin relación entre ellos; entre los que encontramos desocupados, intelectuales, músicos, delincuentes, viejos anarquistas o gente de la calle. (FILMAFFINITY)


Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater
Should Have Stayed at Bus Station
Mark James
Mark James
Hit-and-Run Son
Jerry Delony
Jerry Delony
Been on the Moon Since the 50's
Rudy Basquez
Rudy Basquez
Taxi Driver
Jean Caffeine
Jean Caffeine
Jan Hockey
Jan Hockey
Stephan Hockey
Stephan Hockey
Running Late
Samuel Dietert
Samuel Dietert
Grocery Grabber of Death's Bounty
Bob Boyd
Bob Boyd
Officer Bozzio
Terrence Kirk
Terrence Kirk
Officer Love
Keith McCormack
Keith McCormack
Street Musician
Jennifer Schaudies
Jennifer Schaudies
Walking to Coffee Shop
Lee Daniel
Lee Daniel
Scott Rhodes
Scott Rhodes
Disguntled Grad Student
Louis Black
Louis Black
Paranoid Paper Reader
John Slate
John Slate
'Conspiracy A-Go-Go' Author
Charles Gunning
Charles Gunning
Hitchhiker Awaiting 'True Call'
Teresa Taylor
Teresa Taylor
Pap Smear Pusher
Athina Rachel Tsangari
Athina Rachel Tsangari
Cousin from Greece


Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater
Richard Linklater
Lee Daniel
Lee Daniel
Director of Photography
Scott Rhodes
Scott Rhodes
Anne Walker-McBay
Anne Walker-McBay
Deborah Pastor
Deborah Pastor
Production Design
Anne Walker-McBay
Anne Walker-McBay
Production Manager

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