
Smart Alecks (1942)


Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 7M

Director : Wallace Fox
Escritor : Harvey Gates


Danny helps to capture a wanted criminal and receives a $200 reward. However, he has a falling out with the gang when they believe he should share the money with them. Complications ensue when the crook that Danny helped capture escapes from jail and comes looking for him.


Leo Gorcey
Leo Gorcey
Muggs McGinnis
Bobby Jordan
Bobby Jordan
Danny Stevens
Huntz Hall
Huntz Hall
Gabriel Dell
Gabriel Dell
Hank Salka
Maxie Rosenbloom
Maxie Rosenbloom
Butch Brocalli
Gale Storm
Gale Storm
Ruth Stevens


Wallace Fox
Wallace Fox
Harvey Gates
Harvey Gates
Harvey Gates
Harvey Gates

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