
Asalto al último tren (1971)

He'd been cheated out of his gold... and his woman... now the only weapon he had left was... revenge!

Género : Western

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 48M

Director : Andrew V. McLaglen
Escritor : Don Tait, Dick Nelson


Un hombre sale de la prisión después de cumplir condena como ladrón de trenes. Una vez fuera, buscará a su antiguo socio para vengarse, ya que éste le traicionó.


George Peppard
George Peppard
Harker Fleet
Diana Muldaur
Diana Muldaur
John Vernon
John Vernon
Timothy Xavier Nolan
France Nuyen
France Nuyen
Ah Toy
Steve Sandor
Steve Sandor
Jim Gant
Soon-Tek Oh
Soon-Tek Oh
Richard Loo
Richard Loo
Mr. Chang
Robert Donner
Robert Donner
Sheriff Adams
John Doucette
John Doucette
Sheriff Monte
C.K. Yang
C.K. Yang
Marie Windsor
Marie Windsor
Timothy Scott
Timothy Scott
Joan Shawlee
Joan Shawlee
Big Nellie
Hal Needham
Hal Needham
Bert Gant
Harry Carey, Jr.
Harry Carey, Jr.
Jim Burk
Jim Burk


Andrew V. McLaglen
Andrew V. McLaglen
William Roberts
William Roberts
Don Tait
Don Tait
Alric Edens
Alric Edens
Director of Photography
Robert L. Simpson
Robert L. Simpson
Henry Bumstead
Henry Bumstead
Art Direction
Alexander Golitzen
Alexander Golitzen
Art Direction
Charles S. Thompson
Charles S. Thompson
Set Decoration
Robert Arthur
Robert Arthur
Dick Nelson
Dick Nelson

Carteles y fondos


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