
The Taebaek Mountains (1994)

Género : Bélica, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 48M

Director : Im Kwon-taek


Based on the great river story, The Taebaek Mountains chronicles the lasting generational conflict between proprietors and peasants in South Korea.


Ahn Sung-ki
Ahn Sung-ki
Kim Beom-woo
Kim Myung-gon
Kim Myung-gon
Yeom Sang-jin
Kim Kap-soo
Kim Kap-soo
Yeom Sang-gu
Oh Jung-hae
Oh Jung-hae
Shin Hyun-joon
Shin Hyun-joon
Jung Ha-sup
Choi Dong-joon
Choi Dong-joon
Shim Jae-mo
Jung Kyung-soon
Jung Kyung-soon
Pang Eun-jin
Pang Eun-jin
Lee Ho-jae
Lee Ho-jae
Dr. Jun
Jeong Jin-wan
Jeong Jin-wan
Yoo Yeon-soo
Yoo Yeon-soo
Oh Ji-hye
Oh Ji-hye
Ahn Suk-hwan
Ahn Suk-hwan
Park Kil-soo
Park Kil-soo
Kwon Tae-won
Kwon Tae-won


Im Kwon-taek
Im Kwon-taek
Kim Yu-jun
Kim Yu-jun
Art Direction
Park Sun-duk
Park Sun-duk
Lee Tae-won
Lee Tae-won
Jeong Il-seong
Jeong Il-seong
Director of Photography
Kim Dae-seung
Kim Dae-seung
Assistant Director
Song Neung-han
Song Neung-han

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