
Lay That Rifle Down (1955)

Género : Comedia, Música

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 11M

Director : Charles Lamont
Escritor : Barry Shipman


Director Charles Lamont's 1955 comedy, about a girl from the sticks doing drudge work at a hotel and dreaming of a better life, stars Judy Canova, Robert Lowery, Jacqueline de Wit, Richard Deacon, Robert Burton, James Bell, Marjorie Bennett, Leon Tyler, William Fawcett and Mimi Gibson.


Judy Canova
Judy Canova
Judy Canova
Robert Lowery
Robert Lowery
Nick Stokes, aka Poindexter March, III
Jil Jarmyn
Jil Jarmyn
Betty Greeb
Jacqueline deWit
Jacqueline deWit
Aunt Sarah Greeb
Richard Deacon
Richard Deacon
Glover Speckleton
Robert Burton
Robert Burton
General Ballard
James Bell
James Bell
Mr. Fetcher
Leon Tyler
Leon Tyler
Horace Speckleton
Tweeny Canova
Tweeny Canova
Tweeny Greeb
Marjorie Bennett
Marjorie Bennett
Mrs. Speckleton
Paul E. Burns
Paul E. Burns
Mr. Gribble
Edmund Cobb
Edmund Cobb
Sheriff Cushing
Mimi Gibson
Mimi Gibson
Terry Fetcher
Pierre Watkin
Pierre Watkin
Mr. Coswell


Charles Lamont
Charles Lamont
Barry Shipman
Barry Shipman
Sidney Picker
Sidney Picker
Associate Producer
R. Dale Butts
R. Dale Butts
Original Music Composer
John L. Russell
John L. Russell
Director of Photography
Arthur Roberts
Arthur Roberts
Carroll Clark
Carroll Clark
Art Direction
Fay Babcock
Fay Babcock
Set Decoration
John McCarthy Jr.
John McCarthy Jr.
Set Decoration
Jean Belcher
Jean Belcher
Script Supervisor

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Hittin' the Trail
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The Idaho Kid
Idaho, returning to the area he left as a boy, gets in the middle of a range feud. He takes the side of Endicott. On the other side is Hollister who is unaware that Idaho is his long lost son.