The Centaurs (1921)

Género : Fantasía, Animación, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 3M

Director : Winsor McCay


A female centaur enters a clearing in the woods and picks flowers. She is met by a male centaur and the two romance each other. They then seek parental consent for their union. Surviving footage of a now lost film.



Winsor McCay
Winsor McCay
Winsor McCay
Winsor McCay
Winsor McCay
Winsor McCay
Winsor McCay
Winsor McCay

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The Mysterious Box
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The Spider and the Butterfly
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Good Glue Sticks
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Justinian's Human Torches
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Alice's Egg Plant
Julius, the boss of Alice's chicken farm, has to find a way to deliver 5000 eggs to Sinkem and Soakem when the hens go on strike.
The Miser
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Water for Maya
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The Good Shepherdess and the Evil Princess
A good shepherdess is persecuted by an evil, tantrum-throwing princess. A good fairy decides to intervene, and dishes out quite a bit of retribution.
Alice in the Jungle
Alice and Julius the cat are riding an elephant through the jungle. Julius falls and is nearly eaten by crocodiles but manages to escape nevertheless. Meanwhile, two elephant children are having fun at a watering hole and a monkey barber has his barber pole eaten by a hippo, who mistakes it for a candy cane. Julius tries to remedy the latter injustice by starching up a tiger's striped tail and knocking it off, using it as a replacement pole. Alice hunts a lion who proves to be too much for her to handle, but Julius bravely comes to the rescue.
The New Lord of the Village
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