
A Dangerous Proposal (1919)

Folkkomedi i 4 akter

Género : Romance, Drama, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 5M

Director : Rune Carlsten


The farmer Knut Husaby has a daughter, Aslaug, who is the most beautiful girl in the village. Many boys are after her, but Knut and his two sons drive them away, if they come too close to the farm. Aslaug is secretly in love with Tore Naesset. But he is only a smallholder's son, and when he asks for Aslaug's hand, her father just laughs at him. Instead her father wants Aslaug to marry Ola Thormundson, a gawky boy, who is the son of the wealthiest farmer in the village. Aslaug brings her family's cattle to the Husaby summer farm up in the mountain. Only one road leads to the summer farm, and it passes right by the main farm. When Tore returns from a visit to Aslaug in the mountains, Knut and his sons beat him black and blue. As it's impossible for him to use the road anymore, Tore has to figure out another way to go to Aslaug. Next Saturday he crosses the fiord in a rowing-boat. He stops at a fifty meter high wall of rock, and starts climbing it, hoping to reach Aslaug at the top.


Lars Hanson
Lars Hanson
Tore Naesset
Gull Cronvall
Gull Cronvall
Theodor Blich
Theodor Blich
Knut Husaby
Hjalmar Peters
Hjalmar Peters
Kurt Welin
Kurt Welin
Ola Thormundson
Hugo Tranberg
Hugo Tranberg
Sigurd Husaby
Gösta Cederlund
Gösta Cederlund
Eyvind Husaby
Hilda Castegren
Hilda Castegren
Tore's Mother
Uno Henning
Uno Henning
Torsten Bergström
Torsten Bergström


Rune Carlsten
Rune Carlsten
Sam Ask
Sam Ask
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Rune Carlsten
Rune Carlsten
Gustaf Hallén
Gustaf Hallén
Art Direction
Carl Gustaf Florin
Carl Gustaf Florin
Director of Photography
Raoul Reynols
Raoul Reynols
Director of Photography

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