
10,000 Black Men Named George (2002)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Robert Townsend


In the 1920s, the rights of American workers to join a labor union was still considered an open question, and African-Americans were routinely denied their civil and economic rights. 10,000 Black Men Named George, the title, refers to the fact Pullman porters were often called "George" by white passengers, which was considered a racial slur.


Andre Braugher
Andre Braugher
A. Philip Randolph
Charles S. Dutton
Charles S. Dutton
Milton Webster
Mario Van Peebles
Mario Van Peebles
Ashley Totten
Brock Peters
Brock Peters
Leon Frey
Ellen Holly
Ellen Holly
Selena Frey
Ardon Bess
Ardon Bess
Daddy Moore
Amanda Brugel
Amanda Brugel
Kenneth McGregor
Kenneth McGregor
Barton Davis
Kedar Brown
Kedar Brown
James Randolph
James McGowan
James McGowan
Carla Brothers
Carla Brothers
Lucille Randolph
Ernestine Jackson
Ernestine Jackson
Mrs. Randolph
Ordena Stephens
Ordena Stephens
Sandi Totten
Christopher Bondy
Christopher Bondy
William Green
Neville Edwards
Neville Edwards
E.J. Daniels
Collette Micks
Collette Micks
Mrs. Robbins
Yvette McKoy
Yvette McKoy
Disgruntled Man's Wife
Karen Eyo
Karen Eyo
Elegant Woman
Sandi Ross
Sandi Ross
Mrs. Walker


Robert Townsend
Robert Townsend
Cyrus Nowrasteh
Cyrus Nowrasteh

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