Vellaripravinte Changathi (2011)

Género : Drama, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 20M

Director : Akku Akbar


Vellaripravinte Changathi is based on the story of film-maker Augustine Joseph who made a Malayalam film in 1966. However, due to some reasons, the film did not make it to the theatres. The 1960s-70s was a period dominated by Prem Nazir, Sathyan, Sheela and others. Unluckily Augustine Joseph was not able to get the film released. Later he commits suicide due to the debts from the production of the film. After years his son revels the original prints of the film from Gemini Lab and sees it. Later he goes on with releasing the film and tries to find the people who did the characters. The film is well appreciated for the way of narration and picturisation which makes the viewer feels that they are actually watching an old Black and white movie of the 60-70s


Mukkom Shajahan / Ravi
Kavya Madhavan
Kavya Madhavan
Mary Vargese / Sulekha
Manoj K Jayan
Manoj K Jayan
Krishnan / Basheer
Indrajith Sukumaran
Indrajith Sukumaran
Varikkodan Mash / Thangaluppappa
Maniyanpilla Raju
Maniyanpilla Raju
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Suraj Venjaramoodu
Anil Murali
Anil Murali
Kollam Thulasi
Kollam Thulasi
Cherthala Lalitha
Cherthala Lalitha
Nandakishor Nellickal
Nandakishor Nellickal


Akku Akbar
Akku Akbar
Ajay J
Ajay J
Mohan Sithara
Mohan Sithara

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