
The Dragon from Russia (1990)

Tear Love Death Humanity... He Is The Number One Killer For A Secret Society...

Género : Acción

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 36M

Director : Clarence Yiu-leung Fok


Basada vagamente en el popular manga Crying Freeman, acerca de un luchador de artes marciales chino en Rusia, secuestrado por el jefe de una organización mafiosa. Despojado de sus recuerdos del pasado, es entrenado por el maestro para convertirse en un peligroso asesino.


Sam Hui
Sam Hui
Freeman Yao Lung
Maggie Cheung
Maggie Cheung
May Yip
Nina Li Chi
Nina Li Chi
Carrie Ng
Carrie Ng
Loletta Lee
Loletta Lee
Sun Xing
Sun Xing
Officer Sonny
Dean Shek
Dean Shek
Richard Yuen Tak
Richard Yuen Tak
Teddy Wong / Master Of Death
Yuen Wah
Yuen Wah
Master Of Death
Pai Ying
Pai Ying
Ann Mui Oi-Fong
Ann Mui Oi-Fong
Sarah Lee Lai-Yui
Sarah Lee Lai-Yui
Shun Lau
Shun Lau
Mr Kishudo
Anthony Mark Hook
Anthony Mark Hook


Clarence Yiu-leung Fok
Clarence Yiu-leung Fok
Dean Shek
Dean Shek
Ella Chan Bo-wa
Ella Chan Bo-wa
Clarence Yiu-leung Fok
Clarence Yiu-leung Fok
Richard Yuen Tak
Richard Yuen Tak
Martial Arts Choreographer
William Szeto Wai-Yung
William Szeto Wai-Yung
Art Direction
Ray Wong Chi-Wai
Ray Wong Chi-Wai
Director of Photography
Peter Ngor
Peter Ngor
Director of Photography
Wong Ming-Lam
Wong Ming-Lam
Shirley Chan Koo-Fong
Shirley Chan Koo-Fong
Costume Design
Ho Hau-Yee
Ho Hau-Yee
Costume Design
Dora Chu
Dora Chu
Costume Design
Violet Lam
Violet Lam
Original Music Composer
Sam Hui
Sam Hui
Original Music Composer
Blacky Ko Shou-Liang
Blacky Ko Shou-Liang
Stunt Coordinator

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