
Men for Sale (2008)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 25M

Director : Rodrigue Jean


An intimate and unflinching look over 12 months at the hardscrabble lives of hustlers in downtown Montreal.



Rodrigue Jean
Rodrigue Jean
Rodrigue Jean
Rodrigue Jean
Tim Hecker
Tim Hecker
Mathieu Bouchard-Malo
Mathieu Bouchard-Malo
Mathieu Laverdière
Mathieu Laverdière
Director of Photography

Recomendar películas

James Franco's Sal chronicles the final hours of the life of actor Sal Mineo, one-time teen idol and star of the blockbuster films Rebel Without a Cause and Exodus.
41 segundos
¿Qué haces cuando tu novia te dice que tu mejor amiga besa mejor que tú? Un joven decide zanjar el asunto de una vez por todas.
Al Berto
1975, soplan vientos de cambio en la Portugal posrevolucionaria. Al Berto, ahora un aspirante a poeta, regresa a su pueblo natal de Sines. Se instala de forma ilegal en una mansión expropiada a su familia durante la revolución, y frecuenta a vecinos que comparten su interés por las artes y sueñan con una vida diferente. Pronto consigue un amante, João Maria, mientras provoca la ira de los residentes más conservadores.
Unsolved Suburbia
EEUU /// Eddie se debate entre su novio Thomas y las expectativas de su tradicional familia latina, en especial de su hermano machista. Siguiendo el ejemplo de Jake, su mejor amigo hetero, Marty descubre secretos de su propia familia cuando empieza a espiar a sus amigos y al hacerlo pone en peligro su propia vida.
An edgy drama about a gay teen's tumultuous decent into drugs and anonymous sex, Wrecked smashes cinematic taboos while it spins its cautionary tale. Ryan is an earnest 18-year-old trying to develop a career as an actor and getting his life on the right track. This course is quickly threatened with the sudden arrival of his sort-of ex, Daniel, who arrives at Ryan's door wanting a place to stay.
2 Seconds
Laurie, a professional downhill racer gets fired because of her slight overindulgence in irresponsibility. She returns to Montreal where she is welcomed by her geeky but cute brother. She meets Lorenzo, a cranky, ex-racer who owns a bike shop. The two become friends. Laurie gets a job with a local bicycle courier company, but a member of the group is intent on shutting her out of their circles, making her life difficult and sad. After a bonding truth-revealing discussion between Laurie and Lorenzo, Laurie begins to see what she has to do to make things better for herself.
Keita! The Voice of the Griot
It is an ordinary afternoon for young Mabo Keïta, at home, in Burkina Faso (West Africa). While his parents are taking a nap, he reads a schoolbook on the front porch when a stranger - an elderly man carrying his own hammock - appears for an unexpected visit. It turns out that the old man is a griot, a West African musician/entertainer whose performances include tribal histories and genealogies. The position of a griot is a time-honored one and passed down from father to son for many generations.
Desire in Motion
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A young quebecer descends into alienation and depression.
In this Canadian made oddball mix of music and drama, an actress (Carole Laure) in a traveling musical revue is involved with the show's director until she meets and falls for an aging ecological activist. He too is drawn to her, and together they try to stop a factory from being built over an old-growth forest.
Seeing You in Circles
Ex-boyfriends meet at their favorite spot, but one brings an unexpected guest...
El renegado
El capitán Jack Steele es un ranger de Texas destinado a investigar el caso de la hermosa Judith Alvarez, acusada de asesinato. El asunto parece sencillo, pero no tarda mucho en descubrir que no todo es lo que parece. La corrupción y los intereses del gobierno por conseguir tierras y ganado llevan al ranger a creer en la inocencia de Judith, colocándolo a él también en el punto de mira de los verdaderos asesinos.
Meet Joe Gay
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Saving Marriage
A landmark court decision in Massachusetts allows gay people in that state to marry - forcing activists, legislators, and ordinary people to reconsider how they view same-sex relationships.
Mourning for Anna
A mother deals with the violent murder of her daughter.
El vendedor
Marcel Lévesque, un vendedor de coches a punto de jubilarse. Ha sido vendedor del mes durante los últimos dieciséis años en el concesionario donde ha pasado toda su carrera, en una ciudad industrial en declive en Lac Saint-Jean, en donde está lo suficientemente frío como para ahuyentar a los turistas y la compra de un coche a veces parece completamente absurdo . Hay sólo una cosa en mente: conseguir su amado paseos Detroit fuera del lote. Marcel Lévesque es un vendedor de una época pasada, un hombre que aprendió el oficio de contar cuentos "mentiras vestido con flores" y hacer que sus clientes esten contentos. Pero una tragedia cambiará todo para este vendedor de sueños.
Parallel Sons
Seth is a youth with artistic leanings, a fascination with Black pop culture, and a dead-end life in an Adirondack village. He's alternatively sensitive and brutal with Kristen, who wants a sexual relationship that he explosively rejects. Late one night, as he's closing the cafe where he works, a young Black man attempts to rob him at gun point but faints from illness. Seth takes the man, Knowledge, an escapee from a nearby prison, to a family cabin where he nurses him and they begin a tentative friendship. When the sheriff learns of Seth's harboring a fugitive, a confrontation looms. Relationships between fathers and their children dominate the subplots.
Gods of Olympia
The story of a cafe in downtown Olympia, WA. Olympia is the capital of the state of Washington. The community is very progressive and has several eating establishments where gay and lesbians are welcome. At the Cafe, local gays meet for food and friendship. These are their stories: A Supreme Court Justice who is a Drag Queen; the Lt Governor who is coming out to his public. The employees at the cafe: the manager who flies off to live with a billionaire from New York; the dish washer who falls in love with the Lt Governor. The billionaire Vietnamese software mogul’s son, he did not know he had, comes to visit. The tech nerd’s son who falls in love with a fellow college student. The regular small town pick up scene. The waiter who falls in love with a mysterious street person, and the assistant manager who is trying to get a better job.
A Montreal man imagines a mermaid in place of the writer whose picture appears on a novel.
Comme des voleurs (Stealth)
Suiza /// Cuando Lionel descubre por casualidad que su familia procede de Polonia, se sucede una cadena de acontecimientos que cambiará para siempre su vida y la de su hermana Lucie. Ambos emprenden viaje al este de Europa, sin estar completamente seguros si son descendientes de una familia polaca. Sin embargo, verse envueltos en una persecución de coches en Eslovenia sí es un hecho seguro, así como el coche robado en el que viajan y los pasaportes falsos. La vuelta a Varsovia se convierte en la aventura que estaban buscando.