
Outlaw-Matsu Returns Home (1973)

Género : Documental, Película de TV

Tiempo de ejecución : 52M

Director : Shôhei Imamura


“In Search of Unreturned Soldiers was about former soldiers of the Japanese army who chose not to return to Japan after the war. I found several of them who had remained in Thailand. Two years later, I invited one of them to make his first return visit to Japan and documented it in Outlaw-Matsu Returns Home. During the filming, my subject Fujita asked me to buy him a cleaver so that he could kill his ‘vicious brother.’ I was shocked, and asked him to wait a day so that I could plan how to film the scene. By the next morning, to my relief, Fujita had calmed down and changed his mind about killing his brother. But I couldn’t have had a sharper insight into the ethical questions provoked by this kind of documentary filmmaking.” —Shôhei Imamura


Shôhei Imamura
Shôhei Imamura


Shôhei Imamura
Shôhei Imamura
Matsuo Takahashi
Matsuo Takahashi
Masao Tochizawa
Masao Tochizawa
Director of Photography

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