
Kilimanjaro (2013)

Género : Romance, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Walter Strafford
Escritor : Walter Strafford


For years, Doug Collins has been wading through a routine unsatisfying job and an increasingly miserable relationship. After his girlfriend moves out, Doug pushes himself to live a more fulfilling life starting with a trek to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro.


Brian Geraghty
Brian Geraghty
Alexia Rasmussen
Alexia Rasmussen
Abigail Spencer
Abigail Spencer
Chris Marquette
Chris Marquette
Henny Russell
Henny Russell
Bruce Altman
Bruce Altman
Milton Jr.
Jim Gaffigan
Jim Gaffigan
John Cullum
John Cullum
Diego Klattenhoff
Diego Klattenhoff
Lora Chio
Lora Chio
Yoga Teacher


Walter Strafford
Walter Strafford
Walter Strafford
Walter Strafford
Jake Monaco
Jake Monaco
Original Music Composer
Gavin Kelly
Gavin Kelly
Director of Photography

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