
Rhythm in Light (1934)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 5M

Director : Mary Ellen Bute, Ted Nemeth, Melville Webber


Screen titles introduce the film as a modern artist's impressions of what goes on in the mind while listening to music. Grieg's "Peer Gynt Suite" accompanies images of common objects and abstract forms photographed in soft focus and through prisms: rings, pyramids, the staff of musical notes, and floating lights are all seen in multiple images, sometimes as if through a kaleidoscope, other times as if in animation. Images appear and patterns move across the screen. Sparklers celebrate at the film's end.



Mary Ellen Bute
Mary Ellen Bute
Ted Nemeth
Ted Nemeth
Melville Webber
Melville Webber

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Recomendar películas

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A (barely) two minute short is that it was made specially for a Paramount newsreel segment on Bute and Nemeth making films in their teensy New York apartment. Paramount apparently never got round to including the filmmakers in any newsreel, but their own film survived in the Bute-Nemeth Archive. (weirdwildrealm.com) To the rhythm of music that sounds a bit like a Busby Berkeley tune, lines and circles appear against a black background. Then triangles, in groups. Black and white squares move in tandem. Sparkling forms turn in kaleidoscopic patterns. Then cubes appear, white against the background, bouncing; a yin and yang rotate a few times before the film ends with an quick burst of scattering light.
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