
Photograph (1895)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1M

Director : Louis Lumière


A photographer has his camera all set up to take a gentleman's picture. The subject checks his face in a hand mirror, and the photographer poses him. Just as the photographer is about to take the picture, the subject gets up to look at the camera more closely. The frustrated photographer soon becomes quite impatient.


Auguste Lumière
Auguste Lumière


Louis Lumière
Louis Lumière

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Lyon, place Bellecour
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Akrobatisches Potpourri
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Récréation à la Martinière
Students in Lyon.
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The two inventors of the Bioskop, a sort of magic lantern that projected images so fast as to give the illusion of movement, bow to the camera at both sides of an empty screen. The scene was shown in continuity, at the end of the session, as if the producers and directors of the session were beading the public a farewell.
Komisches Reck
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Der Jongleur
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Die Serpentintänzerin
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Bocal aux poissons-rouges
[…] by shooting the fish in a globular bowl, the Lumières effectively use a fisheye lens, which offers distortions. The history of cinema has witnessed a struggle between the objective and subjective camera and the optically distorting lenses like the fisheye lens has been a powerful tool for the subjective camera. Here it is at the start. (from IMDB)
Cordeliers' Square in Lyon
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Horse Shoeing
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Glenroy Bros., No. 2
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Billy Edwards and the Unknown
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Robetta and Doretto, No. 1
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