
Marshal of Amarillo (1948)

FLYING LEAD...FLYING FISTS...Along the Danger Trail!

Género : Western

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 0M

Director : Philip Ford
Escritor : Robert Creighton Williams


Nugget, Underwood and Short walk to the Half-Way House after the driver purposely wrecks the stage. They arrive late at night and it is so spooky that Nugget leaves for Amarillo. Unknown to him, the dead body of Short is in the wagon. When Sheriff Lane comes upon Nugget and the body, he goes to investigate and finds no trace of Underwood at all. But he soon finds that Underwood was carrying $50,000 in cash and he believes the story Nugget is telling.


Allan Lane
Allan Lane
Marshal Rocky Lane (as Allan 'Rocky' Lane)
Black Jack
Black Jack
Rocky's Horse
Eddy Waller
Eddy Waller
Nugget Clark
Mildred Coles
Mildred Coles
Marjorie Underwood
Clayton Moore
Clayton Moore
Art Crandall
Roy Barcroft
Roy Barcroft
Ben Dolan
Denver Pyle
Denver Pyle
The Night Clerk
Trevor Bardette
Trevor Bardette
Frank Welch
Minerva Urecal
Minerva Urecal
Mrs. Henry Pettigrew
Charles Williams
Charles Williams
Hiram Short
Tom Chatterton
Tom Chatterton
James Underwood
Peter Perkins
Peter Perkins
Sam - Henchman
Tom London
Tom London
Mr. Snodgrass
Lynn Castile
Lynn Castile
Matilda Snodgrass


Philip Ford
Philip Ford
Robert Creighton Williams
Robert Creighton Williams

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