
The Sword and the Flute (1959)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 24M

Director : James Ivory


Visual images consist entirely of Indian miniature paintings, while an off-screen narrator traces the rise of this art form within the courts of Akbar (1542-1605), who united what is now India and Pakistan, and his son Jahangir (1569-1627). Two schools of the miniature paintings, done by anonymous artists, flourished after Akbar established unity and peace across what had been many smaller states: the Moghul (Islamic) school and the Rajput (Hindu) school. The Moghul paintings record the events of the court, while the Rajput school connects physical beauty and, in particular, the longing of women to the transcendent values of the spirit.


Saeed Jaffrey
Saeed Jaffrey


James Ivory
James Ivory
James Ivory
James Ivory
James Ivory
James Ivory
Ali Akbar Khan
Ali Akbar Khan
Chatur Lal
Chatur Lal
D.R. Parvatikar
D.R. Parvatikar
Ravi Shankar
Ravi Shankar
T. Visvanathan
T. Visvanathan
Mindaugus Bagdon
Mindaugus Bagdon
James Ivory
James Ivory

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