
La Belle Nivernaise (1924)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 9M

Director : Jean Epstein
Escritor : Jean Epstein


A young man falls in love with the daughter of the man who adopted him.


Pierre Hot
Pierre Hot
Mr. Louveau
Blanche Montel
Blanche Montel
Clara Louveau
Maurice Touzé
Maurice Touzé
Max Bonnet
Max Bonnet
Boat crew
Jean-David Évremond
Jean-David Évremond
Marie Lacroix
Marie Lacroix
Mrs. Louveau


Jean Epstein
Jean Epstein
Alphonse Daudet
Alphonse Daudet
Léon Donnot
Léon Donnot
Director of Photography
Paul Guichard
Paul Guichard
Director of Photography
Jean Epstein
Jean Epstein

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En 1797 se produjo la botadura del "Constitución", una de las primeras fragatas estadounidenses diseñada, en principio, para acabar con la tiranía de los piratas berberiscos, que asolaban los mares y exigían tributo a las naciones. A partir de este dato histórico, se mezcla la ficción: un joven de Salem trata de embarcar en el "Constitución", pero por el camino encontrará a un par de lobos de mar embaucadores. Los tres, por distintas vías, se reunirán en una nave que, sin proponérselo, seguirá la estela del "Constitución".
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Refutation of All the Judgements, Pro or Con, Thus Far Rendered on the Film "The Society of the Spectacle"
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La barraca de los monstruos
La vida del payaso Riquet y su esposa, la bailarina Ralda, se ve amenazada por el propietario del circo donde trabajan, que desea a la joven y no dudará en intentar asesinarla cuando ésta lo rechaza.
Johanna Enlists
A young girl, stifling on her father's backwoods farm, is reinvigorated by the arrival of an army regiment, come to train in the area.
Pilar Guerra
A woman abandoned by her lover sells his body to a sculptor, who is the best friend of her lover.
In the Shadow of the Machine
The film was produced as a compilation film. Blum reported in “Film-Kurier“ (5.11.1928): "It will be assembled from excerpts of partly unpublished Ukrainian films. […] Some American footage has also been used. To get material as impressive as possible, a number of films, 0-60, have been viewed." Based on ideas by Dziga Vertov, and largely assembled from the last reel of his film 'The Eleventh Year', this compilation presents an explicit critique of the very technology that Vertov sought to praise, stressing the dark side of industrialization—hands mangled in workplace accidents, train wrecks, coffins—and connects to a particularly German concern with the negative effects of technology stretching from the Romantics to Heidegger, Horkheimer, and Adorno in the twentieth century.