
Carry On Camping (1969)

Fun and games in the great outdoors!

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 28M

Director : Gerald Thomas
Escritor : Talbot Rothwell


Sid and Bernie keep having their amorous intentions snubbed by their girlfriends Joan and Anthea, so when they decide to take them on a holiday to Paradise Camp, they think they're off to a nudist colony—but they couldn't be more wrong, and meet up with the weirdest bunch of campers you can imagine.


Sid James
Sid James
Sid Boggle
Charles Hawtrey
Charles Hawtrey
Charlie Muggins
Joan Sims
Joan Sims
Joan Fussey
Kenneth Williams
Kenneth Williams
Doctor Kenneth Soaper
Terry Scott
Terry Scott
Peter Potter
Barbara Windsor
Barbara Windsor
Hattie Jacques
Hattie Jacques
Miss Haggard
Bernard Bresslaw
Bernard Bresslaw
Bernie Lugg
Julian Holloway
Julian Holloway
Jim Tanner
Dilys Laye
Dilys Laye
Anthea Meeks
Peter Butterworth
Peter Butterworth
Josh Fiddler
Betty Marsden
Betty Marsden
Harriet Potter
Trisha Noble
Trisha Noble
Brian Oulton
Brian Oulton
Mr. Short
Derek Francis
Derek Francis
Valerie Leon
Valerie Leon
Miss Dobbin
Anna Karen
Anna Karen
Hefty Girl
Elizabeth Knight
Elizabeth Knight
Sandra Caron
Sandra Caron
Georgina Moon
Georgina Moon
Sally Kemp
Sally Kemp
Girl with Cow
Amelia Bayntun
Amelia Bayntun
Mrs. Fussey
Patricia Franklin
Patricia Franklin
Farmer's Daughter
Michael Nightingale
Michael Nightingale
Man in Cinema
George Moon
George Moon
Scrawny Man
Valerie Shute
Valerie Shute
Vivien Lloyd
Vivien Lloyd
Lesley Duff
Lesley Duff
Angela Grant
Angela Grant
Schoolgirl (uncredited)
Gillian Grant
Gillian Grant
Sally G-String
Walter Henry
Walter Henry
Man in Cinema (uncredited)
Alf Mangan
Alf Mangan
Camper (uncredited)
Iseult Richardson
Iseult Richardson
Woman Carrying Tray (uncredited)


Gerald Thomas
Gerald Thomas
Talbot Rothwell
Talbot Rothwell
Paul Cowan
Paul Cowan
Third Assistant Director
Peter Rogers
Peter Rogers
Alfred Roome
Alfred Roome
Eric Rogers
Eric Rogers
Ernest Steward
Ernest Steward
Director of Photography

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