
Kandisha (2008)

Género : Terror, Crimen, Fantasía

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M

Director : Jérôme Cohen-Olivar


Shattered by the loss of her child, Nyla Jayde, a brilliant criminal defense attorney, takes on a case involving a 14th century Moroccan legend, a vengeful spirit named Kandisha.


Amira Casar
Amira Casar
Nyla Jayde
Saïd Taghmaoui
Saïd Taghmaoui
Dakir Nesri
Assaad Bouab
Assaad Bouab
The Cabalist
David Carradine
David Carradine
The American
Mourad Zaoui
Mourad Zaoui
Hiam Abbass
Hiam Abbass
Mona Bendrissi
Amal Ayouch
Amal Ayouch
Dr. Maliki
Lénaïc Sarrazin
Lénaïc Sarrazin
Michaël Cohen
Michaël Cohen
Mehdi Jayde
Khalid Benchegra
Khalid Benchegra
Le procureur
Hassan Essakali
Hassan Essakali
The Judge
Karim Saidi
Karim Saidi


Jérôme Cohen-Olivar
Jérôme Cohen-Olivar
Jérôme Cohen-Olivar
Jérôme Cohen-Olivar
Sylvain Lasseur
Sylvain Lasseur
Sound Editor
Amina El Halhouli
Amina El Halhouli
Makeup Artist
Martine Lopez
Martine Lopez
Costume Design
Sanaa Bezzaz
Sanaa Bezzaz
Art Direction
Julien Foure
Julien Foure
Dominique Gentil
Dominique Gentil
Director of Photography
Kenneth Lampl
Kenneth Lampl
Original Music Composer
Albert Levy
Albert Levy

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