
Boris Godunov (1986)

Género : Historia, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 10M

Director : Sergey Bondarchuk


Praised for its fine photography and production design if not its narrative, Sergei Bondarchuk directed this adaptation of the tale by Alexander Pushkin. Boris Godunov came to the Czarist throne at the end of the 16th century, after the original heir to Ivan the Terrible had died. At first, things went well for Godunov (played by Bondarchuk), but when the Russian people began to believe he had killed Ivan the Terrible's son in order to gain the throne, an alliance sprang up against the new Czar. Events continued to spin out of control as a young monk was presented as the son Godunov had supposedly killed. Now he was openly accused of failing an assassination attempt, which seems to be even worse than succeeding. In addition to these woes, Boris Godunov began to suffer serious health problems. So much for the joys of kingship.


Sergey Bondarchuk
Sergey Bondarchuk
Boris Godunov
Alena Bondarchuk
Alena Bondarchuk
Tsarevna Kseniya
Georgi Burkov
Georgi Burkov
Irina Skobtseva
Irina Skobtseva
Khozyaika Korchmi
Valeriy Storozhik
Valeriy Storozhik
Boris Khimichev
Boris Khimichev
Yuriy Sherstnyov
Yuriy Sherstnyov
Vladimir Ferapontov
Vladimir Ferapontov
Ivan Lapikov
Ivan Lapikov
Anatoli Romashin
Anatoli Romashin
Vasili Shuisky
Anatoli Vasilyev
Anatoli Vasilyev
Petr Basmanov
Evgeniy Samoylov
Evgeniy Samoylov
Roman Filippov
Roman Filippov
Fyodor Bondarchuk
Fyodor Bondarchuk
Tsarevitch Fyodor
Vasili Funtikov
Vasili Funtikov
gorozhanin na kryshe sobora
Alexandr Tolubaev
Alexandr Tolubaev
Viktor Yakovlev
Viktor Yakovlev
Vasily Shchelkanov


Sergey Bondarchuk
Sergey Bondarchuk
Alexander Pushkin
Alexander Pushkin
Sergey Bondarchuk
Sergey Bondarchuk
Vadim Yusov
Vadim Yusov
Director of Photography

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