
Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property (2003)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 58M

Director : Charles Burnett


In 1831, Nat Turner led a slave rebellion in the United States that resulted in the murder of local slave owners and their families, the eventual execution of 55 rebels and the retribution lynching of more than 200 innocent slaves. Nat Turner: A Troublesome Property examines how the story of Turner’s revolt has been interpreted throughout history and how it continues to raise new questions about the nature of terrorism and other forms of violent resistance to oppression. The film adopts an innovative structure by interspersing documentary footage and interviews with dramatizations of these different versions of Turner’s story. A unique collaboration between MacArthur Genius Award feature director Charles Burnett, acclaimed historian of slavery Kenneth S. Greenberg and Academy Award-nominated documentary producer Frank Christopher, Nat Turner is a compelling look at one of history’s most mysterious figures.


Carl Lumbly
Carl Lumbly
Nat Turner - Gray
Justin Dray
Justin Dray
Thomas Gray
Megan Gallagher
Megan Gallagher
Margaret Whitehead
Charles Burnett
Charles Burnett
Ossie Davis
Ossie Davis
Frank Faucette
Frank Faucette
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.
Harry Kollatz Jr.
Harry Kollatz Jr.
Benjamin Phipps
Alfre Woodard
Alfre Woodard
Herbert Aptheker
Herbert Aptheker
William Styron
William Styron
Raymond H. Johnson
Raymond H. Johnson
Virginia Militiaman reenactment
Alvin F. Poussaint
Alvin F. Poussaint
Shaun DePriest
Shaun DePriest
Kimberly Grey
Kimberly Grey
Sally Travers
Martha Minnow
Martha Minnow


Charles Burnett
Charles Burnett
Charles Burnett
Charles Burnett
Frank Christopher
Frank Christopher
Kenneth S. Greenberg
Kenneth S. Greenberg
John L. Demps Jr.
John L. Demps Jr.
Director of Photography

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