
Life Is Rosy (1987)

Género : Música, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 20M

Director : Mwezé Ngangura, Benoît Lamy


A young man with dreams of pursuing a career in music moves form his small village to the capital. Along the way he falls head over heels for a woman - the same woman his boss is also pursuing for his own reasons.


Papa Wemba
Papa Wemba
Landu Nzunzimbu Matshia
Landu Nzunzimbu Matshia
Bibi Krubwa
Bibi Krubwa
Kanko Kasongo
Kanko Kasongo
Lokinda Menji Feza
Lokinda Menji Feza
Kalimazi Lombume Riva
Kalimazi Lombume Riva
Mazaza Mukoko
Mazaza Mukoko
Mama Dingari, la mère de Kourou
Tumba Ayila
Tumba Ayila
Le nain Emoro
Mujinga Mbuji Inabanza
Mujinga Mbuji Inabanza
Cherie Bondowe
Pépé Kallé
Pépé Kallé
Pépé Kallé
Alamba Engongo
Alamba Engongo
Le chauffeur de Nvouandou
Maître Nono
Maître Nono
Maître Nono
Bwanando Ngimbi
Bwanando Ngimbi
Maître Nganga


Mwezé Ngangura
Mwezé Ngangura
Benoît Lamy
Benoît Lamy
Benoît Lamy
Benoît Lamy
Maryse León García
Maryse León García
Mwezé Ngangura
Mwezé Ngangura

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