
Dark Space (2013)

Marooned on a remote planet, only one thing is certain... they are not alone.

Género : Ciencia ficción

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 31M

Director : Emmett Callinan


College friends Devin, Jack, Shelly, Kristy, Shaun, and Flower rent a spacecraft to autopilot them to Centauri Five for a holiday break. Impatient over the rental agency restricting the ship’s speed to 10x, Devin and the others convince Shaun to remove the craft’s constrictor device. Doing so damages the computer’s automated systems, as well as the ability to send a distress beacon, causing the six friends to crash land on an uncharted alien planet.


Alana Dietze
Alana Dietze
Steve West
Steve West
Avital Ash
Avital Ash
Joseph Darden
Joseph Darden
Keith Reay
Keith Reay
Tonya Kay
Tonya Kay
Freddie Johnson
Freddie Johnson
Soldier 1


Emmett Callinan
Emmett Callinan
Ray Haboush
Ray Haboush
Gregory Nicolett
Gregory Nicolett
Emmett Callinan
Emmett Callinan
Tim Martin
Tim Martin
Art Direction
David Mendez
David Mendez
Makeup Department Head
Blake Edgerton
Blake Edgerton
Production Manager
Emmett Callinan
Emmett Callinan
Greg Vossberg
Greg Vossberg
Supervising Sound Editor
Greg Vossberg
Greg Vossberg
Sound Re-Recording Mixer
Brandon Griffith
Brandon Griffith
Sound Effects Editor
J. Søren Viuf
J. Søren Viuf
Camera Operator
Nikolas Smith
Nikolas Smith
Allen Liu
Allen Liu
Rigging Gaffer
Blake Edgerton
Blake Edgerton
Set Designer
Jan Freitag
Jan Freitag
Tara Blume
Tara Blume
Dan Parsons
Dan Parsons
Director of Photography
Zang Angelfire
Zang Angelfire
Sound Recordist
Alicia Pharris
Alicia Pharris
First Assistant Camera
Mike Testin
Mike Testin

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