
Gagarin (1994)

Género : Animación, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 3M

Director : Aleksey Kharitidi


A young caterpillar yearns to fly like the butterflies and birds, but cannot launch himself high enough to do so ... until a couple start playing badminton nearby.



Aleksey Kharitidi
Aleksey Kharitidi
Aleksey Kharitidi
Aleksey Kharitidi
Anatoly Prokhorov
Anatoly Prokhorov
Aleksandr Tatarskiy
Aleksandr Tatarskiy
Sergey Reshetnikov
Sergey Reshetnikov
Olga Vasilenko
Olga Vasilenko
Aleksey Kharitidi
Aleksey Kharitidi
Art Direction
L. Bubnenkov
L. Bubnenkov
Production Manager
Vladimir Oryol
Vladimir Oryol
Aleksey Kharitidi
Aleksey Kharitidi

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