
Struggle (2010)

Género :

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 34M

Director : Bruce Locke


Struggle is the story of Darren, a young gay man, who arrives in Toronto seeking a new life. Running out of money, and with nowhere to live, he quickly falls in with a group of gay rent boys. Complicating matters for himself, he falls in love with Steve, one of the group. Steve already has a boyfriend. While desperately trying to avoid becoming a prostitute himself, Darren's loneliness and infatuation with Steve eventually sets him on a downward spiral with tragic circumstances.


Peter Buzny
Peter Buzny
Jason Farro
Jason Farro
Jamie Potts
Jamie Potts
Matt Sims
Matt Sims
Terri Stevens
Terri Stevens
Arthur Vilner
Arthur Vilner


Bruce Locke
Bruce Locke
Executive Producer
Dan McGuire
Dan McGuire
Camera Operator
Bruce Locke
Bruce Locke

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