
Operation Diplomat (1953)

INTRIGUE that could TRIGGER the 3rd World War!

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 10M

Director : John Guillermin


A physician is forced to operate on a mystery figure under shady circumstances.


Guy Rolfe
Guy Rolfe
Dr. Mark Fenton
Lisa Daniely
Lisa Daniely
Lisa Durand
Patricia Dainton
Patricia Dainton
Sister Rogers
Sydney Tafler
Sydney Tafler
Ballard Berkeley
Ballard Berkeley
Inspector Austin
Anton Diffring
Anton Diffring
Edward Shroder
Brian Worth
Brian Worth
Geoffrey Terry
Avice Landone
Avice Landone
Mrs. Terry
Eric Berry
Eric Berry
Col. Williams
James Raglan
James Raglan
Sir Oliver Peters
Alexis Chesnakov
Alexis Chesnakov
Ship's Captain
Michael Golden
Michael Golden
Edward Dentith
Edward Dentith
Sergeant Lewis
Derek Aylward
Derek Aylward
William Franklyn
William Franklyn
Dr. Gillespie
Desmond Llewelyn
Desmond Llewelyn
Police Constable at Barrier


John Guillermin
John Guillermin
Denis Johnson
Denis Johnson
Assistant Director
Francis Durbridge
Francis Durbridge
A.R. Rawlinson
A.R. Rawlinson
John Guillermin
John Guillermin

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