
Flyfishing (2002)

Some find love.. some pay for it

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 22M

Director : David L. Williams


Good-looking, well-spoken Phil is broke and cannot understand how flatmate James has recently acquired a lot of extra cash and a permanent grin on his face. James's secret? Adonis Escorts - 40 pounds an hour, 150 for the night. Faced with imminent eviction, a reluctant Phil is persuaded to join the agency and soon the two gigolos have a loyal following including bored housewife, Frances. In fact business is booming until love rears its ugly head. And then chaos reigns as James falls in love with Phil, Phil falls in love with Helen, Helen takes Phil home to her mother - Frances, Frances goes crazy because she had fallen for her daughter's new boyfriend Phil, and Darren just wants to make it alright - by settling down with James. Who is definitely not gay. Just confused!


Kate Ashfield
Kate Ashfield
Adam Croasdell
Adam Croasdell
Ben Price
Ben Price
Frances Barber
Frances Barber
Richard Clifford
Richard Clifford
Mr. Perkins
Paul Aves
Paul Aves
Helen Baxendale
Helen Baxendale
Patrick Malone
Patrick Malone
Pete Freeman
Pete Freeman
Nicky Henson
Nicky Henson
Kieran Lagan
Kieran Lagan
Daniel Rabin
Daniel Rabin


David L. Williams
David L. Williams
Paul Barnhill
Paul Barnhill
Roger Thomas
Roger Thomas
Neil Warhurst
Neil Warhurst
Helen Baxendale
Helen Baxendale
Executive Producer
David Higginson
David Higginson
Line Producer
David L. Williams
David L. Williams
Guy Michelmore
Guy Michelmore

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