
The Christmas Party (1996)

Christmas is a family party.

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 24M

Director : Jari Halonen


Joulubileet (The Christmas Party) might well be the closest to the ultimate cult movie that the Finnish film industry has ever gotten. The third directorial effort of Jari Halonen, a clearly distinctive voice in the local filmmaking landscape, is a timeless, absurd and at times completely insane piece of masculine comedy rough not only on the edges, but to the core. A story of Mike, just out of prison, and his buddies throwing a Christmas party under the most obscure circumstances is filled with juicy dialogue and plot twists that will definitely make your jaw drop – and have you chuckle for days after.


Jorma Tommila
Jorma Tommila
Bona Merenkylä
Antti Reini
Antti Reini
Mike Merenkylä
Rauno Juvonen
Rauno Juvonen
Oiva Lohtander
Oiva Lohtander
Sari Havas
Sari Havas
Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Maija-Liisa Peuhu
Maija-Liisa Peuhu
downstairs neighbour
Jukka Kärkkäinen
Jukka Kärkkäinen
Hessu, downstairs neighbour
Iris-Lilja Lassila
Iris-Lilja Lassila
Upstairs Neighbour
Anna-Maria Klintrup
Anna-Maria Klintrup
Matinheimo, neighbour
Asko Sahlman
Asko Sahlman
Matinheimo, neighbour
Thierry Noir
Thierry Noir
Jesper Rasmussen
Ragni Grönblom
Ragni Grönblom
Jukka Hytti
Jukka Hytti
second gallerist
M.A. Numminen
M.A. Numminen
Aleksi Auer
Aleksi Auer
Miikka Auer
Miikka Auer
Miravera Auer
Miravera Auer
Maria Isoaho
Maria Isoaho
Sinikka Isoaho
Sinikka Isoaho
Otto Siltala
Otto Siltala
Minna Parkkinen
Minna Parkkinen
woman in front of gallery (uncredited)
Hanna Jokinen
Hanna Jokinen
clerk (uncredited)
Heikki Ahonius
Heikki Ahonius
prisoner / sermon listener (uncredited)
Marko Tiusanen
Marko Tiusanen
bank's customer (uncredited)


Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Jorma Tommila
Jorma Tommila
Heikki Ahonius
Heikki Ahonius
Jorma Tommila
Jorma Tommila
Jari Halonen
Jari Halonen
Juha Antti-Poika
Juha Antti-Poika
Sound Recordist
Antti Keitilä
Antti Keitilä
Set Decoration
Seppo Salminen
Seppo Salminen
Set Decoration
Kalle Suominen
Kalle Suominen
Set Decoration
Jari Kajas
Jari Kajas
Production Manager
Lotta Ora
Lotta Ora
Assistant Director
Timo Heinänen
Timo Heinänen
Director of Photography
Seija Mällinen
Seija Mällinen
Costume Design
Nadja Delcos
Nadja Delcos
Makeup Designer

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