Utsav (1984)
Género : Romance
Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 25M
Director : Girish Karnad
Escritor : Girish Karnad, Krishna Basrur
Vasantasena, a courtesan who dances at the King Palaka's court hides in Charudatta's house while running away from the amorous attentions of the king's brother-in-law. She falls in love with Charudatta, though he is married and penniless.
La trama de la película gira en torno a un joven llamado Tim Lake. El protagonista y su familia tienen el curioso don de poder viajar a través del tiempo. Al descubrir esta cualidad, Tim empieza a beneficiarse de ello para cambiar diferentes aspectos de su vida. Se enamora de una chica, Mary, a la que conoce tras transladarse a vivir a Londres por motivos de trabajo. Su historia de amor se verá beneficiada gracias al don de Tim, sin embargo, el protagonista no tardará en darse cuenta de que su habilidad no es capaz de ampararle en algunos problemas y cuestiones familiares.
The plot follows new prostitutes Susan (Karen Yeung), Fanny (Tung Yi), and Chinyun (Chung Chun), who are inducted into the Fragrance House brothel where they are trained in the ways of lovemaking by their veteran madam Tall Kau. Eventually all three enter circulation where Susan is crowned the top prize and becomes enamored of budding scholar Chu Chi-Ang. Fanny is jealous beyond all means and though she's bought by famous horse trader Sir Lui (Category 3 staple Tsui Kam-Kong), she still plans her revenge on Susan. Eventually the typical “torture the innocent naked girl for cheap thrills†stuff happens, while Chu learns various wacky sexual positions to get Susan back.
Año 1942 durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Max es un espía del bando aliado que se enamora de Marianne, una compañera francesa, tras una peligrosa misión en el norte de África. La pareja comienza una relación amorosa hasta que a él le notifican que Marianne puede que sea una agente doble que trabaja para los nazis.
Maud Dowley (Sally Hawkins) es una mujer alegre de Nueva Escocia que sueña con independizarse de su protectora familia. Everett Lewis (Ethan Hawke) es un huraño pescador local que busca asistenta. Tras ver su anuncio, Maudie no tarda en mudarse a casa de Everett para encargarse de las tareas del hogar. Pero lo que comienza siendo una difícil convivencia entre dos polos opuestos poco a poco irá transformándose en una historia de amor... Basada en hechos reales, la película cuenta la historia de la pintora canadiense Maud Lewis, de su relación con el que se convirtió en su inseparable compañero de vida Everett Lewis, y de cómo sus sencillas pinturas llegaron a ser vistas y reconocidas por todos los rincones del país convirtiéndola en una de las artistas folk más representativas de Canadá.
Gardner Elliot es el primer ser humano nacido en Marte, hijo de una astronauta que se embarcó en una misión espacial. El joven solo ha conocido a catorce personas en sus dieciséis años de vida, y ni siquiera sabe quién es su padre. Pero, ávido de respuestas, busca pistas sobre el origen de su progenitor. Así, inicia una peculiar amistad a distancia con Tulsa, una inteligente adolescente de Colorado que vive en la Tierra.
My parents travel abroad for a month, while Jung-eun, a trainee who lives with her older brother, Jeong-soo. Jung-soo, who watches over Eun-eun from his parents' orders. Jeong-soo goes somewhere, and Jung-eun starts to dress as well. And Jung Eun is starting to wait. I start to practice tutoring and tutoring... Jungeun, who hears the voices of tutoring and gradually closes her eyes. Jung Eun wakes up with a honey balm. Based on a tutor who only knows me as a man. Jung Eun loves such standards. Don't hide anymore, I'm a girl and I decide to confess that I like you and start approaching him as a girl...
To promote his restaurant located at the base of a hiking trail, its married owner joins a mountaineering club where he meets an attractive divorcée.
Unlike his expectations, Hyeong-min is always miserable because of his wife who who doesn't care about him. To recover a sex life with his wife, Hyeong-min tries every night but he's always coldly rejected and this is making him depressed. One day, he goes out for some air and meets Hye-jin. When their partners aren't at home, they spend time together at each others' house. However, soon, they get caught and they come to a decision after a long talk...
Seong Soo, a twenty years old boy, decided to move to Seoul after being accepted into Seoul University. However, he was a victim of real estate scam. He then moves into his mother's friend's house. Moreover, it turns out that his mother's friend is a sexy self-employed mother and Seong Soo is attracted to her.
Ha-yeong es un psicólogo exitoso. Un día recibe una petición secreta de su hermana Ha-joo. Aparentemente, el esposo de Ha-joo, Woo-seong, se niega a tener relaciones sexuales. Ha-yeong acepta ser su terapeuta de pareja, pero descubre que su cuñado en realidad tiene deseos sexuales por ella y no por su hermana ...
20-year-old Kyeong-soo is a man who's full of assumptions. He learned about sex from Internet porn, but nothing about the real thing. He's only had crushes and has never even kissed before. He got embarrassed when he confessed his feelings to Ji-yeon, his crush. He comforted himself from the shame with Japanese girls in his room with his right hand. One day, he has a fight with his father and remembers his friend Baek-hyeon had invited him over to Gangwon-do. There he falls in love with his friends' mother. Written by lament
La película está protagonizada por dos estudiantes de secundaria: Natsuki Enomoto y su amigo de la infancia, Yu Setoguchi. Natsuki intenta confesarle su amor a Yu, pero es incapaz de admitir sus verdaderos sentimientos y acaba diciéndole a Yu que en realidad sólo estaba practicando cómo declarar su amor a otra persona. Mientras Natsuki oculta sus sentimientos por Yu, su compañero de clase, Koyuki Ayase, le pide una cita. Una historia de romance con momentos agridulces y dudas de juventud.
The day before Do-kyeong’s wedding, his ex-girlfriend, Ga-in, visits him. They enter a motel owned by Byeong-soo and obsession leads two to a disaster followed by a death parade.
Erika Shinohara, una chica vanidosa de 16 años le habla a sus amigos sobre su vida amorosa, aunque en realidad no tiene novio. Va diciendo por ahí que un chico guapo de una foto es su novio, pero resulta que ese chico es un compañero de clase que se llama Kyouya Sata. Por desgracia, Sata, aunque parezca una persona agradable, es una persona cruel y malvada, que se aprovecha de la debilidad de Erika y la trata como si fuera su perro.
En un futuro, tras demostrarse científicamente que hay vida después de la muerte, millones de personas de todo el mundo se suicidan para pasar a la otra vida. Un hombre y una mujer se enamoran mientras tratan de asimilar sus trágicos pasados y la verdadera naturaleza del más allá.
Película de la franquicia Date A Live, anunciada al final de Date a Live II. El guión de la película no cubre ninguna de las novelas, pero está supervisado por el autor original.
Heon-sub is in his third year of cooking major at the Samjin University. He gets a job at the cooking school run by Jeong-min, who lectures at his school department. From a great looking professor to sexy students who have their eyes on young men, a married woman who tries hard to make things right in bed with her husband and the girl who dumped him right away at the blind date! Heon-sub is the only guy at the cooking club and his adult-rated eating fantasy begins.
Desesperado por una buena historia, un periodista adicto al sexo se zambulle en el mundo de la prostitución de lujo cuando comienza a seguir una escort graduada en Stanford.
Father, son and even grandson, are all mesmerized by this 29-year-old sexy mom. Yong-tae is a dying cancer patient whose wife passed away. Seong-min is a nuisance of a son who is of no use. Yeong-chan is Yong-tae’s grandson who is addicted to porn. A sexy mom comes into the lives of these three men one day. Jin-hee brings positive feelings into the house and prescribes her personal methods of treatment for the three men. Who will get it on with mom?
Un joven periodista y su sobrina descubren una bella y encantadora criatura marina, y creen que se trata de una sirena real.