
Stalin (2006)

Género : Acción, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 48M

Director : A.R. Murugadoss


Stalin is deeply moved by the suicide of a girl with physical disabilities. As a result, he devises a formula of extending unconditional help to those who need it to establish peace. But things turn complicated in his life with the entry of Home Minister Muddu Krishnayya.


Trisha Krishnan
Trisha Krishnan
Prakash Raj
Prakash Raj
Muddu Krishnayya
Anushka Shetty
Anushka Shetty
Item song appr
Sunil Varma
Sunil Varma
Pradeep Ram Singh Rawat
Pradeep Ram Singh Rawat
Meena Vasu
Meena Vasu


Nagendra Babu
Nagendra Babu
A.R. Murugadoss
A.R. Murugadoss
A.R. Murugadoss
A.R. Murugadoss
Mani Sharma
Mani Sharma
Pradeep Pudi
Pradeep Pudi

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