
Amore (1978)

Género : Romance, Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 13M

Director : Klaus Lemke


The inconspicuous greengrocer's daughter Maria had to watch as the adored Italian Pietro broke her best friend's heart. Dressed up as a vamp, the vengeful Maria now sets a cunning trap for the attractive Papagallo. Maria is the daughter of a small German fruit and vegetable dealer, Pietro is the son of a large Italian fruit and vegetable dealer. Both live in Munich and both meet every morning at six o'clock in the Grossmarkthalle. Maria looks inconspicuous, while Pietro looks extremely attractive. Maria is hardly interested in men, whereas Pietro is interested in all girls. Maria doesn't care until Pietro first seduces Maria's best friend and then leaves her unhappy. Now Maria starts a campaign of revenge against the light-footed Casanova, in the name of her best friend and in the name of all the girls who have been seduced by Pietro. Maria lures Pietro, who is now madly in love with her, to his native Italy, where Pietro, blinded by love and jealousy, proposes to Maria.


Cleo Kretschmer
Cleo Kretschmer
Pietro Giardini
Pietro Giardini
Pietro Calabrese
Peter Kienberger
Peter Kienberger
Vater Neuhauser
Wolfgang Fierek
Wolfgang Fierek
Brigitte Platzer
Brigitte Platzer
Hilde Grädinger
Hilde Grädinger
Pino Viciconte
Pino Viciconte
Mario Cerza
Mario Cerza
Vater Calabrese
Valerie Herminghaus
Valerie Herminghaus
Mutter Calabrese
Dagmar Heinrich
Dagmar Heinrich
Klaus Emberger
Klaus Emberger
Ferdinand May
Ferdinand May
Michael Bott
Michael Bott


Klaus Lemke
Klaus Lemke
Klaus Lemke
Klaus Lemke
Peter Märthesheimer
Peter Märthesheimer
Olaf Kübler
Olaf Kübler
Original Music Composer
Rüdiger Meichsner
Rüdiger Meichsner
Director of Photography
Inez Regnier
Inez Regnier

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