
Toen was geluk heel gewoon: De film (2014)

Género : Comedia

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Ineke Houtman


The Dutch football team has just released the heroic World Cup final lost to archrival West Germany. The whole country is in mourning and Jaap Kooijman throws out of sheer frustration the brand new TV out the window. This event is the prelude to an equally comical , exciting and touching family film.


Joke Bruijs
Joke Bruijs
Nel Kooijman
Katja Herbers
Katja Herbers
Huib Rooymans
Huib Rooymans
Mr. Harmsen
Sjoerd Pleijsier
Sjoerd Pleijsier
Siem Stokvis
Walter Crommelin
Walter Crommelin
Alexander Heeren
Alexander Heeren
Agent 5
Gerard Cox
Gerard Cox
Jaap Kooijman
Tina de Bruin
Tina de Bruin
Edo Brunner
Edo Brunner
Jelle de Jong
Jelle de Jong
Koos van der Knaap
Koos van der Knaap
Karel van Dam


Ineke Houtman
Ineke Houtman
Lars Boom
Lars Boom
Ben Zuydwijk
Ben Zuydwijk
Production Design

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