
Operation Bottleneck (1961)

Sin Girls Help Two GI's Blast Enemy Lifelines!

Género : Bélica, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 17M

Director : Edward L. Cahn
Escritor : Orville H. Hampton


WWII Burma...Six paratroopers undertake an extremely dangerous mission against the Japanese. It will ultimately cost them their lives, except for one "lucky" survivor.


Ron Foster
Ron Foster
Lt. Rulan H. Voss
Miiko Taka
Miiko Taka
Ari, Comfort Girl
John Clarke
John Clarke
Sgt. Marty Regan
Norman Alden
Norman Alden
Cpl. Lester 'Merc' Davenport


Edward L. Cahn
Edward L. Cahn
Orville H. Hampton
Orville H. Hampton

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