
Mystery of the Riverboat (1944)

Género : Acción, Crimen

Tiempo de ejecución : 3H 38M

Director : Lewis D. Collins, Ray Taylor
Escritor : Maurice Tombragel


A movie serial in 13 chapters: Some swampland becomes valuable, and various factions squabble over ownership of it.


Robert Lowery
Robert Lowery
Steve Langtry
Marjorie Clements
Marjorie Clements
Jenny Perrin
Lyle Talbot
Lyle Talbot
Rudolph Toller
Arthur Hohl
Arthur Hohl
Oscar O'Shea
Oscar O'Shea
Capt. Ethan Perrin
Joe Devlin
Joe Devlin
Louis Schaber
Anthony Warde
Anthony Warde
Bruno Bloch
Francis McDonald
Francis McDonald
Eddy Waller
Eddy Waller
Charles Langtry
Marion Martin
Marion Martin
Celeste Eltree [Chs. 1-4, 7]
Eddie Quillan
Eddie Quillan
Jug Jenks [Chs. 1-4, 7]
Alec Craig
Alec Craig
Chief Engineer [Chs. 1-4, 7]
Ian Wolfe
Ian Wolfe
Hermann Einreich [Chs. 1-2]
Dick Curtis
Dick Curtis
Craig Cassard [Ch. 1]
Byron Foulger
Byron Foulger
Dr. Hartman [Ch. 1]
Earle Hodgins
Earle Hodgins
Jean Duval [Ch. 5]
Cy Kendall
Cy Kendall
Police Chief F. E. Dumont [Chs. 6-8, 11]
Ralph Sanford
Ralph Sanford
Sawyer, the garage owner [Chs. 5, 10]
Jimmie Dodd
Jimmie Dodd
The Singer-Guitarist [Chs. 1-3, 13]


Lewis D. Collins
Lewis D. Collins
Ray Taylor
Ray Taylor
Ande Lamb
Ande Lamb
Ande Lamb
Ande Lamb
Maurice Tombragel
Maurice Tombragel

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