Soles de Primavera (2013)

Género : Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 21M

Director : Stefan Ivančić


Four boys, friends and cousins, in between adolescence and adulthood, make the most of their holidays. Followers of Renoir, with pure simplicity and casualness, emancipated from the ponderousness of a script, these four boys involve us in the nonchalance of their idleness, and in their free-flowing futility. In the course of some idle-talk, of a carefree swim in the river of time, or the vacuity of a summer evening, the memory of communist past resurfaces.


Andrej Ivančić
Andrej Ivančić
Dimitrije Ivančić
Dimitrije Ivančić
Stefan Ivančić
Stefan Ivančić
Marko Grabež
Marko Grabež
Jovana Pantić
Jovana Pantić
Devojka / The Girl


Stefan Ivančić
Stefan Ivančić
Andrej Ivančić
Andrej Ivančić
Mateja Vidaković
Mateja Vidaković
Stefan Ivančić
Stefan Ivančić

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