Tar Creek (2009)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Matt Myers


Tar Creek is an environmentally devastated area in northeastern Oklahoma with acidic creeks, stratospheric lead poisoning and enormous sinkholes. Nearly 30 years after being designated as a Superfund cleanup program, residents are still struggling.


John Frazier
John Frazier
Earl Hatley
Earl Hatley
Bob Nairn
Bob Nairn
Mark Osborn
Mark Osborn
John Sparkman
John Sparkman


Tanya Beer
Tanya Beer
Matt Myers
Matt Myers
Matt Myers
Matt Myers
Matt Myers
Matt Myers
Matt Myers
Matt Myers
Robert Billings
Robert Billings
Director of Photography
Ron Beer
Ron Beer
Executive Producer
Cara Beer
Cara Beer
Executive Producer

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