
Perils of the Royal Mounted (1942)

Género : Acción, Western, Crimen

Tiempo de ejecución : 4H 35M

Director : James W. Horne
Escritor : Basil Dickey, Scott Littleton, Louis E. Heifetz, Jesse Duffy


Sergeant MacLane of the Mounties investigates the disruptive activities of a bunch of troublemakers.


Robert Kellard
Robert Kellard
Sergeant Mack MacLane RCMP
Nell O'Day
Nell O'Day
Diana Blake
Kenneth MacDonald
Kenneth MacDonald
Mort Ransome
Herbert Rawlinson
Herbert Rawlinson
Richard Winton
John Elliott
John Elliott
Factor J. L. Blake
Richard Fiske
Richard Fiske
Constable Brady
Forrest Taylor
Forrest Taylor
Preacher Hinsdale
George Chesebro
George Chesebro
Jack Ingram
Jack Ingram
I. Stanford Jolley
I. Stanford Jolley
Al Ferguson
Al Ferguson
Bud Osborne
Bud Osborne
Nick Thompson
Nick Thompson
Black Bear
Art Miles
Art Miles
Chief Flying Cloud
Rick Vallin
Rick Vallin
Little Wolf
Hank Bell
Hank Bell
Tom London
Tom London
Kermit Maynard
Kermit Maynard
Constable Collins
Stanley Price
Stanley Price
Knox Manning
Knox Manning
Charles King
Charles King


James W. Horne
James W. Horne
Basil Dickey
Basil Dickey
Scott Littleton
Scott Littleton
Louis E. Heifetz
Louis E. Heifetz
Jesse Duffy
Jesse Duffy
Larry Darmour
Larry Darmour
Lee Zahler
Lee Zahler
James S. Brown Jr.
James S. Brown Jr.
Director of Photography
Earl Turner
Earl Turner
Dwight Caldwell
Dwight Caldwell
Tom Lambert
Tom Lambert

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