The Annunciation (2011)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 36M

Director : Eija-Liisa Ahtila


This charming and casually reverent work is an authorized single-screen version of an installation by celebrated video artist Ahtila. Amid stunning snow-draped forests, a women’s theatrical group rehearses a stage version of the Annunciation (the director is played by Aki Kaurismäki’s signature actress Kati Outinen), in the process discovering the parallel worlds of humans and animals, and the proximity of the ordinary to the miraculous.


Satu Mäkinen
Satu Mäkinen
Virgin Mary
Elise Laaksonen
Elise Laaksonen
Archangel Gabriel
Taru Ollila
Taru Ollila
Elina Hurme
Elina Hurme
Anastasia Ilvonen
Anastasia Ilvonen
Kati Outinen
Kati Outinen


Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Eija-Liisa Ahtila
Ilppo Pohjola
Ilppo Pohjola
Heikki Kotsalo
Heikki Kotsalo
Sattva-Hanna Toiviainen
Sattva-Hanna Toiviainen
Production Design
Peter Nordström
Peter Nordström
Sound Editor

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