
El desafío de los maestros (1976)

Street Fighters Duel in a Blast of Death!

Género : Acción, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 35M

Director : Lau Kar-leung
Escritor : Ni Kuang


El adolescente Wong Fei-Hung es enviado a entrenar en el arte del Kung Fu Hung Gar con el maestro de su padre, Lu Ah-Choy. Con la formación completa, Wong tiene que luchar contra un asesino y recuperar el honor de su escuela.


Gordon Liu Chia-hui
Gordon Liu Chia-hui
Wong Fei Hung
Chen Kuan-tai
Chen Kuan-tai
Lu Ah Tsai
Chiang Yang
Chiang Yang
Wong Kay Ying
Lau Kar-leung
Lau Kar-leung
Ho Fu
Lily Li
Lily Li
Sau Lien
Lau Kar-Wing
Lau Kar-Wing
Officer Yuan Ching
Ricky Hui
Ricky Hui
Ah Lung
Chiang Tao
Chiang Tao
Ren Leung
Wong Yu
Wong Yu
Master Lin Tao Cheung
Fung Hak-On
Fung Hak-On
Yeung Chung
Wilson Tong
Wilson Tong
Master Tang
Shih Chung-Tien
Shih Chung-Tien
Master Pang
Cheng Kang-Yeh
Cheng Kang-Yeh
Tsang Hang
Yuen Biao
Yuen Biao
Master Pang's student
Eric Tsang
Eric Tsang
Master Lin's student
Lam Ching-Ying
Lam Ching-Ying
Master Pang's student


Lau Kar-leung
Lau Kar-leung
Ni Kuang
Ni Kuang
Tien-You Wang
Tien-You Wang
Director of Photography
David Wu
David Wu
Run Run Shaw
Run Run Shaw

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