
NOW: In the Wings on a World Stage (2014)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 33M

Director : Jeremy Whelehan


Kevin Spacey, Sam Mendes and the Bridge Project Company go on the road in NOW: in the Wings on a World Stage. In over 200 performances, and across 3 continents, Kevin and the troupe reveal some of the most intimate moments behind the scenes of their staging of Shakespeare's classic tragedy, "Richard III." Their story and experiences weave around, and reflect on, excerpts from the play from their various locations, from Epidaurus to Doha, and provides a great opportunity for those who have never experienced Spacey on stage to witness his immerse and captivating interpretation of Richard III. NOW chronicles the first collaboration between Spacey and Mendes since both won Academy Awards® for their work on American Beauty.


Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey
Himself (Richard Duke of Gloucester)
Maureen Anderman
Maureen Anderman
Herself (Duchess of York)
Sam Mendes
Sam Mendes
Stephen Lee Anderson
Stephen Lee Anderson
Himself (Sir Richard Ratcliffe)
Jeremy Bobb
Jeremy Bobb
Himself (Sir William Catesby / Second Murder)


Jeremy Whelehan
Jeremy Whelehan
Kevin Spacey
Kevin Spacey
Executive Producer
Jeremy Whelehan
Jeremy Whelehan
David M Saunders
David M Saunders
Will Znidaric
Will Znidaric

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