
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson: The Twentieth Century Approaches (1987)

Género : Misterio, Crimen, Aventura

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 29M

Director : Igor Maslennikov
Escritor : Igor Maslennikov


In addition to the two-part television version of the film, a shorter version was installed to show the film, entitled “Sherlock Holmes in the 20th Century.” In this installation version, in particular, the entire plot of the story “Bruce-Partington Drawings” was deleted. A film version was released before the premiere of the full (two-part) television version of the film.


Vasiliy Livanov
Vasiliy Livanov
Sherlock Holmes
Vitali Solomin
Vitali Solomin
Dr. Watson
Rina Zelyonaya
Rina Zelyonaya
Mrs. Hudson
Boryslav Brondukov
Boryslav Brondukov
Inspector Lestrade
Boris Klyuev
Boris Klyuev
Mycroft Holmes
Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy
Innokentiy Smoktunovskiy
Lord Bellinger - Prime Minister
Aleksandr Romantsov
Aleksandr Romantsov
Sir Trelawney Hope
Elena Safonova
Elena Safonova
Lady Hilda Trelawney Hope
Larisa Guzeeva
Larisa Guzeeva
Madame Henri Fournaye
Igor Efimov
Igor Efimov
Viktor Koretskiy
Viktor Koretskiy
Hederly - Hydraulic Engineer
Evgeniy Platokhin
Evgeniy Platokhin
Eduardo Lucas
Ekaterina Zinchenko
Ekaterina Zinchenko
Miss Mary Morstan
Oleg Aksyonov
Oleg Aksyonov
Jacobs - butler
Bronislaw Velichko
Bronislaw Velichko
Railway worker
Konstantin Vorobyov
Konstantin Vorobyov
Pitkin - constable
Vladimir Kalish
Vladimir Kalish
caretaker station at Ayford
Arkadiy Koval
Arkadiy Koval
Macferson - constable
Mikhail Morozov
Mikhail Morozov
Leonid Kuravlyov
Leonid Kuravlyov
Von Bork
Svetlana Smirnova
Svetlana Smirnova
Ms. Westerey
Maris Liepa
Maris Liepa
Valentine Walter - colonel
Vladimir Tatosov
Vladimir Tatosov
Baron von Herling
Evgeniy Ilovayskiy
Evgeniy Ilovayskiy
Sydney Johnson
Igor Maslennikov
Igor Maslennikov


Igor Maslennikov
Igor Maslennikov
Arkadiy Tigay
Arkadiy Tigay
Arthur Conan Doyle
Arthur Conan Doyle
Igor Maslennikov
Igor Maslennikov
Vladimir Dashkevich
Vladimir Dashkevich
Original Music Composer
Lyudmila Obrazumova
Lyudmila Obrazumova
Isaak Kaplan
Isaak Kaplan
Production Design
Nelli Lev
Nelli Lev
Costume Designer
Liliya Zavyalova
Liliya Zavyalova
Makeup Designer
Igor Vizgin
Igor Vizgin
Production Manager
Tatyana Voronkova
Tatyana Voronkova
Asya Zvereva
Asya Zvereva
Sound Designer
Alik Nasyrov
Alik Nasyrov
Camera Operator
Yuri Veksler
Yuri Veksler
Director of Photography
Vladimir Rylov
Vladimir Rylov
N. Chirskov
N. Chirskov
Script Editor

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