Countdown to Eternity (1999)

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 14M


Bible expert Bill Gallatin explores biblical prophecies from the Book of Revelation that have transpired, with a discussion of whether these events signify that we are now living in the End Times preceding the return of Jesus Christ. Gallatin touches on events such as the increasingly acute difficulties in the Middle East, numerous environmental catastrophes, earthquakes and more, explaining how they connect to scriptural writings.


Bill Gallatin
Bill Gallatin
Host, Himself
Dave Hunt
Dave Hunt
Chuck Missler
Chuck Missler
Roger Oakland
Roger Oakland
Dan Sheedy
Dan Sheedy
Chuck Smith Sr.
Chuck Smith Sr.


Películas similares

En Jerusalén, un joven centurión romano recibe, por parte de Poncio Pilato, prefecto de Judea, la misión de investigar la misteriosa desaparición del cuerpo de un predicador nazareno crucificado hace tres días, y los crecientes rumores sobre su resurrección.
El reverendo
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Dios no esta muerto 2
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La cosecha
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Let There Be Light
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Hablando con Él
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La pasión de Cristo
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El fin de los días
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El joven Mesías
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Los Diez Mandamientos
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Joseph: Rey de los Sueños
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Como Dios
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Historia de una joven llamada María y del designio divino que cambió para siempre su vida y la historia de la humanidad. Relata su vida en Nazaret, su compromiso con su esposo José, la visita del Ángel Gabriel, un embarazo milagroso y el arduo camino al que ella y José tuvieron que hacer frente desde Nazaret hasta Belén para dar a luz al hijo de Dios.
Vida obra y muerte de Jesus de Nazareth. Jesús, hijo de José y María, trabaja como carpintero recorriendo las tierras de Galilea. Desde bien pequeño, descubre que es hijo de Dios y que ha venido a la Tierra para redimir al hombre de todos sus pecados. El pueblo de Israel, dominado por Roma, intenta ver en él un libertador que expulse al Gobernador Poncio Pilatos, un hombre que desde su llegada muestra un insultante menosprecio por el pueblo judío.
Red State
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Killing Jesus
Basado en el libro más vendido por O'Reilly y Martin Dugard, la ‘tv movie’ narra la vida de Jesús de Nazaret a través de la narración de los conflictos políticos, sociales e históricos durante el Imperio Romano que en última instancia condujeron a su muerte.
Como devotas testigos de Jehová, las hermanas Alex y Luisa y su madre, Ivanna, están unidas en La Verdad. Alex admira a su hermana, segura de sí misma, mientras se esfuerza por seguir los pasos de Ivanna como una “buena testigo”. Pero cuando Luisa empieza a cuestionar al consejo de los Ancianos, provoca una transgresión que altera su vida y amenaza con expulsarla de la congregación. Si Ivanna y Alex no consiguen convencerla de que regrese, tendrán que evitarla por completo. Este desafío se hace más doloroso cuando la fe de su familia se enfrenta a otra desgarradora prueba. Escrita y dirigida por Daniel Kokotajlo, extestigo de Jehová, Apostasy proporciona una extraordinaria oportunidad de profundizar en la compleja naturaleza de la fe, la familia, el deber y el amor.
Gigantes hacia la victoria
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Prueba de fuego
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Recomendar películas

The Origin of Evil
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Nails [Creation Science Evangelism]
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The Witness At Your Door
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Who Goes There? Channeling
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The Unwrapping of Christmas
This exciting video explores the history of many traditions surrounding the Christmas holiday and examines their connections to paganism. Viewers will discover the real story of Christmas and be challenged to take advantage of "the holiday season" to proclaim the truth. Find out the truth about: why we decorate the Christmas tree, put up lights around the house, Santa Claus and his magical reindeer Was December 25th really Jesus's birthday? Discover answers to these and much, much more...
A Woman Rides The Beast
MOST "end times" discussions focus on the coming Antichrist—but he is only half the story. MANY are surprised to discover that in Revelation 17, there is another mysterious character at the heart of prophecy; a woman who rides the beast. TRADITION says this "mystery" woman is connected with the church of Rome. But isn't such a view outdated? After all, today's Vatican is eager to join hands with evangelicals and all religions worldwide. BIBLICAL truth and global events present a well-defined portrait of the woman and her powerful place in the Antichrist's future empire. MORE THAN TEN remarkable clues in Revelation 17 and 18 prove the woman's identity beyond any reasonable doubt. Watch and be amazed!
Seventh-day Adventism—The Spirit Behind the Church
This hard-hitting, eye opening documentary explores the teaching of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, it's origins and the changes which have occurred throughout the years. It examines the claims of the religion's founder, the late prophetess Ellen G. White, and compares her unique beliefs with Biblical truth. You will meet a number of former high-ranking church leaders, many of them fourth generation members, and discover what happened when they embarked on a journey to uncover the truth about their organization. You will be shocked by what they found.
The Evolution Conspiracy
Unmasks fraudulent cover-ups, wild speculations, and deceitful myths that have been presented as the absolute "facts" of evolution. Should evolutionism, the foundational faith of eastern mystical thought, be taught in schools as science, when Creationism, the foundational belief of Judeo-Christianity, has been expelled?
Created Cosmos
The vastness of space boggles the mind, and the beauty and diversity we find there demands a Creator. Take an awe-inspiring tour through our own solar system plus nebulae, galaxies, and more with this just-released new version of Created Cosmos—the popular creation-based planetarium program from the Creation Museum. This special edition has brand new effects plus more vivid colors in striking high definition. The drastically improved graphics make the Created Cosmos Special Edition look like a completely new program. Bonus features include a new full-length commentary by Created Cosmos author Dr. Jason Lisle, and the Special Edition Featurette compares new graphics to those from the original release. Features updated content and graphics. 22 minutes plus bonus features.
Battling over the children
Shocking evidence regarding JW child custody cases. If you are embroiled in a child custody suit, or a divorce and a JW is involved, you need to know their tactics, 'theocratic warfare' (their 'right to lie'), and their coaching methods for their witnesses, even children. We cannot stress strongly enough that this is a must for lawyers. Protect your kids!
Rock: It's Your Decision
The parents of a young man force him to go without rock music for thirty days, and as a result, he discovers how rock music is a tool of Satan to control people.
Three angels are sent to Earth by Gabriel on a "fact finding mission" to blend in with the teenagers at a high school and learn first hand what peer pressure is. At the same time, Lucifer shows up to try to win some souls for his side. Chaos ensues, and so does a lot of music and dancing. All the main teenage characters, except the angels, are trying out to be in a band called "Hi-Tops". There are a few sub plots involving nerds, high school sweethearts, cheating on tests, taking drugs, etc.