
Valliettan (2000)

Género : Acción, Drama

Tiempo de ejecución : 2H 42M

Director : Shaji Kailas


Madhavankutty is the Valliettan (Big Brother) of the Arackal family. The long lasting rivalry between the Arackal Madhavanunni and Patteri Sivaraman forms the main thread of the story. Madhavanunni along with his four brothers he rules the village. But Sivaraman with the help of Bava develops their plan to trap Madhavanunni.


Arackal Madhavanunni
Manoj K Jayan
Manoj K Jayan
Kalabhavan Mani
Kalabhavan Mani
Kattipalli Pappan
Patteri Sivakumar
Ramankutty Kaimal
Poornima Indrajith
Poornima Indrajith
Shankaran Kutty
N F Varghese
N F Varghese
Mambaram Bava
Kozhikode Narayanan Nair
Kozhikode Narayanan Nair
Arackal Kuttikrishnan Nair
Captain Raju
Captain Raju


Shaji Kailas
Shaji Kailas
Mohan Sithara
Mohan Sithara
Anil Ambalakkara
Anil Ambalakkara
Baiju Ambalakkara
Baiju Ambalakkara
L. Bhoominathan
L. Bhoominathan
Ravi Varman
Ravi Varman
Director of Photography

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Kunjoonju, Deepu and Ashtamurthy are studying hotel management at Pondichery. Kunjoonju is a 'Kanjirappally Achayan' who is always after girls. But his 'thrill' for a girl will end the moment he finds that she is interested in him. Abbas ,the trio's friend, arranges the top floor of a house for them to stay. The house is owned by Sophy and she she stays there with her two daughters Kamala and Padma. All three guys fall for Kamala, but Kunjunju and Deepu joins together and push Ashtamurthy out of the race by making him the 'Rakhi Brother' of Kamala. Kamala knows that Kunjunju is a flirt and so she tries to keep away from him. Deepu never tells about his love to Kamala or to Kunjunju, but Ashtamurthy knows about it. Kunjunju and Deepu falls apart after a fight and Ashtamurthy brings them together. The story takes a turn, when Sophy dies and the sisters are left alone
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Da Thadiya
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