My Accomplice (2013)

The way to proceed is to proceed ...

Género : Comedia, Romance

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 32M

Director : Charlie Weaver Rolfe


My Accomplice is an off-beat comedy about falling in love, set in Brighton, featuring songs and live performances from local bands Transformer, Bob Wants His Head Back and The Mountain Firework Company, an ill-starred search for the village of Wivelsfield, the personal politics of perestroika in the wider context of David Hassel-hoff, apricot flapjacks, abruptly unpredictable weather, gathering evidence of a seagull conspiracy, and a small cast of everyday eccentrics that usually don't make it into films: Bulgarians, adults with learning disabilities, very tall women and elective mutes. In a city of this many vulnerable adults, Frank and Ilse might never have met.


Dimitrina Elliott
Dimitrina Elliott
John Fitzmaurice
John Fitzmaurice
Alan Gilchrist
Alan Gilchrist
Martyn Holmes
Martyn Holmes
Alexandra Kalweit
Alexandra Kalweit
Phelim Kelly
Phelim Kelly
Beach Butler
Stuart Martin
Stuart Martin
Angelique Smith
Angelique Smith
Kevin Wooley
Kevin Wooley


Charlie Weaver Rolfe
Charlie Weaver Rolfe
Charlie Weaver Rolfe
Charlie Weaver Rolfe
Barbara Nicholls
Barbara Nicholls
Director of Photography
Charlie Behrens
Charlie Behrens
Martyn Holmes
Martyn Holmes
Tom Sands
Tom Sands
Martyn Holmes
Martyn Holmes
Agata Bogacka
Agata Bogacka
Additional Photography
Lorna Gay Copp
Lorna Gay Copp
Art Direction
Lorna Gay Copp
Lorna Gay Copp
Wardrobe Supervisor
Tara Mascara
Tara Mascara
Makeup & Hair
Kirstie Howell
Kirstie Howell
Sound Editor
Kirstie Howell
Kirstie Howell
Sound Designer
Paul Pascoe
Paul Pascoe
Sound Editor
Paul Pascoe
Paul Pascoe
Sound Designer
Sally Megee
Sally Megee
Original Music Composer
Charlie Weaver Rolfe
Charlie Weaver Rolfe
Martyn Holmes
Martyn Holmes
Marlene Rolfe
Marlene Rolfe
Executive Producer
Julie Christie
Julie Christie
Executive Producer
Nick Weaver
Nick Weaver
Associate Producer
Heinz Gunther Herpel
Heinz Gunther Herpel
Associate Producer
Andrew Baster
Andrew Baster
Associate Producer
Alexander Preston
Alexander Preston
Associate Producer
Janet Sate
Janet Sate
Production Manager
Darren Conway
Darren Conway
First Assistant Director
Agata Bogacka
Agata Bogacka
Focus Puller
Florence Barkway
Florence Barkway
Assistant Camera
Lauren Belle
Lauren Belle
Assistant Art Director
Julien Ferrante
Julien Ferrante
Script Supervisor
Kirstie Howell
Kirstie Howell
Sound Recordist
Pierpaolo Lorenzo
Pierpaolo Lorenzo
Sound Recordist
Ashley Mclaughlin
Ashley Mclaughlin
Makeup Artist
Millie Hetherington Wilkes
Millie Hetherington Wilkes
Makeup Artist
Charlie Behrens
Charlie Behrens
Still Photographer
Liza Franks
Liza Franks
Still Photographer

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