
The Fatal Ring (1917)

Género : Acción

Tiempo de ejecución : 0M

Director : George B. Seitz


A silent movie serial directed by George B. Seitz.


Pearl White
Pearl White
Violet Standish
Earle Foxe
Earle Foxe
Nicholas Knox
Warner Oland
Warner Oland
Richard Carslake
Ruby Hoffman
Ruby Hoffman
The Priestess
Henry G. Sell
Henry G. Sell
Tom Carlton
Floyd Buckley
Floyd Buckley
Cesare Gravina
Cesare Gravina
Mattie Ferguson
Mattie Ferguson
Richard LaMarr
Richard LaMarr
Bert Starkey
Bert Starkey
L.J. O'Connor
L.J. O'Connor
Harriet Reller
Harriet Reller
L.J. O'Connor
L.J. O'Connor
(as Louis J. O'Connor)


George B. Seitz
George B. Seitz
Frederick J. Jackson
Frederick J. Jackson
Bertram Millhauser
Bertram Millhauser
Scenario Writer
George B. Seitz
George B. Seitz
Louis J. Gasnier
Louis J. Gasnier

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