
The Animal Condition (2014)

It started as a simple road trip...

Género : Documental

Tiempo de ejecución : 1H 30M

Director : Michael Dahlstrom


The Animal Condition chronicles three and a half years of recent Australian history, when animal welfare grew from fringe issue to national focus with protests in the streets. It follows four friends who take an investigative road trip around Australia. Unafraid to ask questions they speak to all sides: industry heavyweights, federal politicians, animal welfare advocates, Indigenous Australians, immigrant factory workers, philosophers and scientists. Views on the subject change with each new encounter, leading to questions about society that go beyond the treatment of animals.


Michael Dahlstrom
Michael Dahlstrom
Augusta Miller
Augusta Miller
Ande Cunningham
Ande Cunningham
Sarah-Jane McAllan
Sarah-Jane McAllan


Michael Dahlstrom
Michael Dahlstrom

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